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Breastfeeding Basics - Program Only
First things first...
Begin as you mean to go...
What to expect...
Before baby arrives...
From birth through the first month...
Beyond the first month...
Latch & Positioning
Some things to keep in mind with latching & positioning...
3-Steps to Latch
How to Unlatch Baby
Nursing Positions
Establishing & Maintaining Full (Breast) Feedings
What is a full (breast) feeding?
How to Establish a Full (Breast) Feeding
Feeding fully, on-demand
Cluster (full) Feedings
The Dreamfeed
Paced Nursing
Feeding / Sleep Structures
How and When to Feed Baby
When NOT to breastfeed...
When to AVOID breastfeeding...
Introducing a bottle
Our advice for introducing a bottle
Bottle Aversions
Combination Feeding
Bottle Feeding Guidelines - By Age
When problems arise...
Troubleshooting Common Breastfeeding Problems
Clogged / Plugged Ducts
Nursing strikes
"Fast Letdown"
Sore / Cracked Nipples + Nipple Care
Low Milk Supply
"Reverse Cycling"
Pumping & Storing Breast Milk
Pumping & Storing Breast Milk Overview
Pumping 101
Exclusively Pumping
Power Pumping
Weaning Overview
Weaning Before 12 Months Old
Weaning After 12+ Months Old
Other (Ingredients)
Common Breastfeeding Myths
Preterm Infants & Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Multiples
Triple Feeding
Should I Supplement with Formula?
Returning to Work While Breastfeeding
Sample Breastfeeding Routines - by age
Sample Breastfeeding Routines Overview
MONTH ONE - Birth to 4.5 weeks old
MONTH TWO - 4.5 weeks to 8.5 weeks old
MONTH THREE - 8.5 weeks to 13 weeks old
MONTH FOUR - 13 weeks to 17 weeks old
MONTH FIVE - 17 weeks to 21.5 weeks old
MONTH SIX - 21.5 weeks to 26 weeks old
MONTH SEVEN - 26 weeks to 30.5 weeks old
MONTH EIGHT - 30.5 weeks to 34.5 weeks old
MONTH NINE - 34.5 weeks to 39 weeks old
MONTH TEN - 39 weeks to 43.5 weeks old
MONTH ELEVEN - 43.5 weeks to 47.5 weeks old
MONTH TWELVE - 47.5 weeks to 52 weeks old
In closing...
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Pumping 101
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